4 pieces of claim advice from actions against the police solicitors
Sometimes certain incidents occur where you, or someone close to you, may have been mistreated by the police, this can include police assault and wrongful arrest. In these cases, you are completely within your rights make an official complaint against the police.
Many people feel that there is no point in taking action against the police, as there is little chance of receiving any compensation. Actually, this couldn’t be further from the truth, a number of people have taken action against the police and claimed the compensation they deserve.
There are a number of reasons why you might take actions against the police, including:
- You have been abused verbally or physically.
- You have had excessive force used on you.
- A police officer has significantly delayed or refused to investigate a crime properly.
- You have been harassed by police.
Record of all the incidents
We strongly advise that you keep a record of any incidents that any show police wrongdoing. Each record should include times, dates and a detailed account of what happened. It’s also important to keep hold of any evidence you may have, i.e. a video recording of a police officer being violent towards you, or any photographs of your injuries following the incident.
Allow time for the complaint
Once you have made your complaint against the police, you will need to allow a certain amount of time for them to investigate and respond. The amount of time will vary depending on the nature of the complaint.
You don’t necessarily have to go to court
To avoid going to court, it’s often worth settling for an out of court settlement. Your solicitor will be able to negotiate this for you. Taking your case to court should be a last resort, as doing so can be costly and time-consuming.
If court is the only option, our DPP Law actions against the police solicitors are experts and can help you to receive the compensation you require. We’ll always fight your case to court if a settlement cannot be reached.
Don’t take too long to make the complaint
If you have been wronged by the police, you should make the complaint within 12 months of the incident. If you take longer than 12 months, you risk the police refusing to investigate what happened.
If you have a good reason for taking longer than 12 months, you should still make the complaint.
Do the police legally have to investigate the complaint?
The police, in certain circumstances, can ask the Independent Police Complaints Commission not to investigate the complaint if:
- It has been over 12 months since the incident
- If it is a repeat complaint
- If the complaint is overly vexatious (causing unnecessary annoyance)
For support with your actions against the police case, contact DPP Law today.